
Cherchez L'Argent

...which means, in French, look for the money.

Since getting into Maurice King's list of impediments to the open discussion of overpopulation as a problem (see my post of 12/8/08), I have been taking a side-jaunt into economics and how it's affecting these issues.

I've ben reading a really excellent, clear book by Peter Barnes called Capitalism 3.0 - a guide to reclaiming the commons. It concisely explains how the structure of Capitalism as it is now practiced, is the opposite of sustainable and in fact, cannot be made sustainable. The book is remarkable in that it actually outlines specific suggestions of how Capitalism can and must be re-tooled to be sustainable. Barne's ideas are marvelous - I wish I had half the brain he does - and I recommend his book highly. Here's a link to the book on Amazon.com. LINK

In other news:
I decided to write to Sheri Tepper and personally ask her if she'd participate in the Global Population Speak Out. I finished the letter today and have just sealed the envelope. I don't know if she'll listen to my request, but the more people who pledge to GPSO, the better - especially people who can express themselves as well as she can. Check out the site and consider pledging:
Global Population Speak Out