
Diachronic Competition (stealing resources from future generations)

People talk more about the right to have babies than they do about the babies' rights! It is the right of each of those babies to be raised in a world free of famine, free of water wars and resource struggles. Those babies have a right to oceans which are teeming with non-human life. They have a right to breathe clean air, drink clean water. What about the rights of each of those babies? Who is really looking out for their rights, and THEIR children's

The true advocates for babies - which is to say, people - and their quality of living, or simply their survival - where are they? They are not the people who would sacrifice the future of every human already 'on the ground' for one yet unborn, and the right to breed unlimited numbers more. Those people give lip service to the sanctity of life, but they sacrifice their own children and grandchildren's future by their actions.

This doesn't even begin to go into the rights that other species have, to habitat, to survival, to space, to resources.