
Knuckle Down

Here am I - someone who is convinced of the importance of reduced, stabilized, sustainable population for our survival - yet it is very, very difficult to get myself to keep a sustained, ongoing focus on the subject.

I need to learn and read all I can about it, in order to see as deeply into all aspects of the problem that I can...but I find myself, like the majority of other humans, going about my daily life, becoming entranced by cultural memes, paying attention to the needs of the moment and allowing myself to read fiction rather than the non-fiction material that I need to study this issue.

If a person who is convinced of the importance has this much trouble looking at it...how much more of a challenge will it be to get the people who have never thought about it, or would rather not think about it, or who are vaguely, emotionally opposed to negative population growth...to take a good long look at it and allow themselves to think it through?

I have a stack of 15 books, at least...waiting to be read...I'm not spending enough time on this. My hair is on fire, and I'm just humming and going about my business as if it isn't burning. Come on, woman, snap out of it!

The euphoria of the election, which injected the 2008 holidays with extra joy for me, has been very satisfactorily concluded with a corking inauguration. Now, like President Obama, I need to knuckle down. Knuckle down!

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